We have gone through 2 of those packages, so far our favorite. Clumps really well, doesn't break apart much, and masks the smell as promised. The lemongrass scent is gentle on the nose. Fresh poop smells strong of course but once it lays in hidden in there, it's mostly gone. Of course, needs emptying a couple of times a day.
But for some reason it dusts like crazy, not just after initially pouring fresh litter, but also when just scooping the old pee and poop and when our cat digs in it. Our cat is digging in it more than before for some reason, so his black fur gets quite dusty.
It also tracks quite a bit outside the litterbox. Can recommend to get a lid for the box, so the cat can only enter from that 1 direction, and then jump onto a mat to catch most of the rest. But it still lands in other places frequently. Just something to deal with, I don't mind it as much as the dusting.